How Was The Masked Singer Filmed During the Pandemic?
One thing that was affected by the coronavirus pandemic was the production of shows. Whether it be the life TV reality shows or the shows that were recorded and streamed over different streaming platforms. Most of these shows were stopped and postponed but one very surprisingly continued its production, The Masked Singer.
When people watched The Masked Singer Season 4, they were amazed and almost everyone asked how they managed to pull off the production of The Masked Singer during the coronavirus pandemic. Let’s go into the details.

Keep in mind that filming of this show was pushed back by months but it didn’t stop the production of the show from stopping.
The costume designers, coaches and dance crews were able to work remote via zoom. The designers worked on the costumes from the comfort of them homes, the dancers rehearsed their moves at home and the vocal coaches were able to give pointers via zoom.
The production team wanted The Masked Singer to be viewed as a regular show and not like a Zoom call and they took protective measures for that.
So when it came down to filming in September they knew that there would be a lot of hoops to jump through. The most important thing was how could they keep the staff safe!
The rules that the Actor’s Union came up with was great. It included;
– Daily covid testing
– Separate eating areas which created an environment that was safe for them to take off their masks.
– The crews were required to wear a mask (some wore two)
– Because the judges had to not wear masks they spread the out.
What about the audience behind the judges?
Do to the restrictions given by the state of California, they were not able to have a live audience in the building at all. But your saying to yourself, “I saw people there.” Well let’s talk about that.
The “audience” seen in three different parts.
- The live audience.
When you see the show, you will notice that there is a huge audience sitting together and none of them is wearing a mask. But this is not true. In terms of live audience, there were very few people sitting and all of them were wearing masks. So, the main trick was done with the next section of the audience.
2. The editing tricks.
The real audience you saw was actually taken from their previous recordings (Masked Singer 1,2 and 3) . They selected the clips very carefully and managed to put them together in the recent production to make it look real.
They also used CG to edit together some people into the video so that it didn’t look bare. This was all possible with the help of an efficient camera and editing team.